Beneficios saludables por comer Microvegetales – Agricultura LTA PRCategoriesFrom the Farm

Healthy benefits of eating Microgreens.

Healthy benefits and 5 reasons why we should eat Microgreens every day..

The healthy benefits of consuming Microgreens are guaranteed because they are classified as "Superfoods" for its acronym in English.


If we consume them every day we increase vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for the organism; maintaining a balanced diet to prevent or combat diseases.

Las Flores Comestibles Edible FlowersCategoriesEdible Flowers Flores Comestibles Healthy Foods Lifestyle

Edible Flowers – Edible Flowers: Discover the Secret to Revolutionize Your Gastronomic Creations and Cocktails.

At the heart of the most memorable culinary experiences lies a surprising element:

Innovation through unexplored flavors, colors and textures. The use of edible flowers is presented as an exceptional avenue for chefs and mixologists who seek to differentiate their creations, offering a palette of subtle flavors and captivating aesthetics.

The magic behind each dish or drink lies not only in its flavor:

Visual presentation, texture, and the ability to evoke memories and emotions play a crucial role in the dining experience. Edible flowers, with their diversity of vibrant colors and distinctive flavors, become the secret ingredient to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Imagine the subtlety of Dianthus, adding a spicy and floral touch to your dishes:

Cosmos, with their light chocolate flavor, can transform a simple dessert into a rich and complex sensory experience. Las Maravillas, with their vibrant orange color and subtle citrus touch, are perfect for adding a flash of sunshine to your drinks. Pentas, Violas and Margaritas, each with their unique flavor profile, from sweet to slightly bitter, invite limitless culinary exploration.

For those not yet initiated on this journey of discovery, the time to start is now.

The challenge of innovating and differentiating in the culinary and beverage market has never been more accessible. Incorporating edible flowers into your creations is not simply a flavor or presentation decision; It is an invitation to your guests to embark on a sensory journey, to explore memories and emotions through gastronomy.

La Pana en Puerto RicoCategoriesHealthy Foods Lifestyle

Breadfruit in Puerto Rico (Panapen/Breadfruit): A Legacy of Flavor and Sustainability

Colonization Era:

Pana is also known as: Artocarpus altilis, Panapen or Breadfruit. Arriving on our Puerto Rican shores during Spanish colonization, originally brought to feed slaves due to its ease of cultivation and nutritional value, this exotic fruit would mark the beginning of a lasting culinary legacy.

A Banquet of Possibilities:

La Pana has become a fundamental pillar of the culinary culture of Puerto Rico, offering a rich variety of gastronomic options. From the traditional “mofongo” to the delicious Pana cakes and tostones 🍈🤤, its versatility is unmatched.

The Sweet Secret:

Among the culinary wonders that Pana offers us is the acclaimed Pana flan. This dessert, which combines the softness of traditional flan with the distinctive flavor of Pana, has conquered the palates of the Island.

The Sustainability Revolution:

In modern times, the Panapen has become an emblem of agricultural sustainability in Puerto Rico. Its resistance to diseases and pests makes it a smart choice for farmers looking for stability.

Sembrar microgreens en el hogarCategoriesHealthy Foods Lifestyle

Planting Microgreens at Home: A nutritious 💪🏼 boost to your diet 🌱

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in healthy eating, in consuming foods that are fresh and full of nutrients. Microgreens, also known as "Micro Vegetables," have become a popular choice for those looking to add an extra dose of nutrition to their daily meals.

In addition, the possibility of growing microgreens at home has generated a movement towards food self-sufficiency and connection with our food.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of growing microgreens at home and their nutritional importance.

1.- What are microgreens?

Microgreens are immature vegetables that are harvested when the first true leaves begin to develop. They are much smaller than their mature counterparts, but are packed with concentrated flavors and essential nutrients. You can grow microgreens from a wide variety of seeds, such as: Cabbage, Arugula, Radish, Beetroot, Broccoli and many more.

2.- Easy cultivation at home:

    One of the main advantages of microgreens is that they can be easily grown in small spaces, even in apartments or on balconies. You only need a container (tray), quality soil, indirect sunlight and water. In just a few short weeks, you'll be harvesting your own fresh and delicious microgreens. In our Next Article we will be sharing a guide on the steps to follow to plant your microgreens at home.

    Semillas más populares para cultivar Los Microgreens, Microverdes o MicroplantasCategoriesFrom the Farm

    What are the most popular seeds for growing Microgreens?

    List of most popular Seeds to grow Microgreens: Green Sorrel, Red Sorrel, Cinnamon Basil, Lemon Basil, Thai Basil, Alfalfa, Garlic, Red Amaranth, Braid Broccoli, Calabrese Broccoli, Onion, Cilantro, Kale, Kohlrabi, Spinach, Black Chickpea, Sunflower, Peas, Green Lentil, Red Lentil, Corn, Green Mizuna, Red Mizuna, White Mustard, Red Mustard, Pak Choi, Parsley, Perilla or Shisho, Leek, Rose Radish, Daikon Radish, Sango Radish, Rambo Radish, Yellow Beet , Red Beet, Arugula, Tatsoi, Thyme, Red Clover, Wheat, Buckwheat and Carrot.

    There is an extensive list of seeds to grow Microgreens, however it is recommended to always use 100% organic chemical-free seeds (GMO-Free).

    Microplants can be grown in various places such as: In your house with pots next to your window, Outdoors or also in Greenhouses that contain ample space. In fact, it is recommended that the cultivation area be in warm zones or temperate zones in order to guarantee harvests 365 days a year.

    In cold areas it is almost impossible to grow Microgreens, especially in winter as they need at least four hours a day of direct sunlight.

    In addition, they are divided into the following plant families where we mention some of the most popular Seeds to grow Microgreens:

    Diferencias entre Las Microplantas (Microgreens), Los Germinados y Los BrotesCategoriesHealthy Foods Lifestyle

    Microplants, Sprouts, Shoots What are the differences?

    The differences between Microplants (Microgreens)), Sprouts and Sprouts depend on the development of the plant and the stage in which they are. (They are different, do not confuse them).

    It is worth mentioning that currently the Microgreens they are fashionable and there are studies that affirm that they are 40% more nutritious than adult plants.

    The Sprouts

    The Sprouts are in the initial stage, the seeds remain inactive and go through an active process.

    This action is called germination. It is where the root of the seed grows through the covering, forms the stem and changes to form a new plant.

    When a new plant is formed, nutrients arise such as: Vitamins, Amino Acids, Chlorophyll, Enzymes, Fatty Acids, among others that are used to form a small plant.

    Sprouts grow 0.79-2 inches tall and require 2-5 days germination process (depending on seed).

    ¿Qué son los Microverdes, Microgreens o Microplantas?CategoriesHealthy Foods Lifestyle

    What are Microgreens?

    Microgreens are young vegetables harvested between the first cotyledon leaves and the definitive leaves of the Microplant.

    Microgreens are currently in fashion and there are studies that claim that they are 40% more nutritious than adult plants.

    Microgreens are harvested in approximately 4 to 20 days shortly after the germination stage, are 1 to 3 inches tall, and have more concentrated nutrients than a mature plant, as well as containing more chlorophyll than sprouts.

    Every day Microgreens are consumed more frequently because they help reduce many diseases by providing their high nutritional value; Microgreens are also characterized by having a wide variety of textures, colors, concentrated nutrients and aromatic flavors.

    Microgreens can be purchased at supermarkets, grocery or luxury food stores and can be consumed at home, but they are most commonly used in fine dining restaurants.

    ¿Cómo te benefician los Microgreens, Microverdes o Microplantas en tu salud?CategoriesHealthy Foods Lifestyle

    Health, how do Microgreens (Microplants) benefit you?

    Mainly in your health, this is because they contain high concentrated amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for our organism.

    In addition to helping you in health, Microgreens benefit you to maintain a balanced diet, regulate body weight, increase physical energy, improve skin, prevent and fight diseases.

    Some of the things in which Microplants benefit us in health are: