CategoriesHealthy Foods Lifestyle

Microplants, Sprouts, Shoots What are the differences?

Diferencias entre Las Microplantas (Microgreens), Los Germinados y Los Brotes

The differences between Microplants (Microgreens)), Sprouts and Sprouts depend on the development of the plant and the stage in which they are. (They are different, do not confuse them).

It is worth mentioning that currently the Microgreens they are fashionable and there are studies that affirm that they are 40% more nutritious than adult plants.

The Sprouts

The Sprouts are in the initial stage, the seeds remain inactive and go through an active process.

This action is called germination. It is where the root of the seed grows through the covering, forms the stem and changes to form a new plant.

When a new plant is formed, nutrients arise such as: Vitamins, Amino Acids, Chlorophyll, Enzymes, Fatty Acids, among others that are used to form a small plant.

Sprouts grow 0.79-2 inches tall and require 2-5 days germination process (depending on seed).

Sprouts on plants

After the initial stage of seed germination is when the plant begins to grow and may contain buds, stems and leaves; this action is called Sprout of a plant where the process of photosynthesis begins to incorporate chlorophyll.

They contain 10 times more nutrients than Sprouts and grow just over 2 Inches tall, they can be harvested in 3 to 7 days. (Depending on the seed).

The Microplants (Microgreens)

Microgreens or Microplants are found in the last stage of plant germination and are young vegetables harvested between the first cotyledon leaves and the definitive leaves of the Microplant.

Microplants are harvested in an approximate time of 4 to 20 days, they are 1 to 3 inches tall and have more concentrated nutrients than a mature plant.

Microgreens are currently in fashion and there are studies that claim that they are 40% more nutritious than adult plants.

Differences between Microplants, Sprouts and Shoots (Summary):

We can say that in these 3 stages of plant growth: The Sprouts are in the first stage, The Shoots in the second stage and The Microgreens are in the third stage.

As the plants pass from one stage to another, the nutrients increase and it can be concluded that Microgreens contain a greater nutritional value.

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